Wednesday 18 September 2013

University Preparations

Living in halls for the past year was so much fun and don't get me wrong I wouldn't have done it any other way. However, being in a boxy room whilst sharing toilets, showers and a kitchen between 20 girls wasn't quite so fun.

So as you can imagine, I am very much looking forward to moving into a house with 6 of my closest friends. Obviously when you're renting a house it's difficult to decorate the rooms as you're pretty restricted with what you can change. Wanting to make my bedroom my own, I decided that bunting would be a nice touch. 

Having never sewn before, I set myself the challenge of making my own bunting using a vintage tablecloth which we found on eBay. 

Cut out a series of triangles from the patterned fabric
Take two fabric triangles (I used an old bed sheet for the back of the bunting) and place them with their right sides facing inwards. Stitch them together leaving the top open. 
Trim the seam at the lower edge of the triangle point

Turn the right sides out and press with an iron
Now assemble the bunting. To make your binding fold a strip of cotton tape (2.5cm wide)  in half  lengthways and press with an iron

Place the top edge of each triangle inside the folded binding and sew through the binding and triangles

Make sure that the triangles are evenly spaced along the binding and you leave length at either end for hanging 

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